Large-scale emergency incidents and disasters can occur anywhere on any school campus. When they do, all eyes will fall on the Campus. As a responsible educator, you will be critically evaluated on your preparedness and your schools’ ability to manage the crisis event. This course is designed to both refresh and train you and your staff and to give them the tools that will enable them to manage a wide variety of emergency situations. The participants will be exposed to case studies and practical exercises that will allow them to apply the principles taught in class.

You will be taught preparedness for:

• Emergency events and disasters

• Common points to disaster operations and major events in schools

• Your campus designation for rally points, relocation zones, and reunification areas

• Preplanning a critical incident response and school campus evacuation issues;

• The Four-Step Critical Incident Response Plan
Concepts of Unified Command, and major threats to schools and procedures for each  

Full Training Video

This course is designed to both refresh and train you and your staff and to give them the tools that will enable them to manage a wide variety of emergency situations. The participants will be exposed to case studies and practical exercises that will allow them to apply the principles taught in class.

Downloadable PDF's

The accompanying PDF's will allow assist you in remembering and retaining key points that can help you both during and after completing this course.

Presented by

Jeff Solomon

CEO, Consortium Training & Consulting
Jeff has provided consulting services for over 20 years and is the CEO of Consortium Training & Consulting. He is a nationally recognized expert and consultant in emergency management, critical incident response, workplace threat and risk assessment, school safety, and a co-author of three books.Josh Stobard is a data analyst since 2002. He has a Masters Degree in Cyber Security and a Bachelors in Computer Science and has been teaching Security Systems for over 15 years in Chicago. Josh enjoys teaching all levels and all ages. He looks forward to sharing his love of building meaningful and effective content with all students to develop their marketing abilities.
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